Tips When Filming Videos
1) Brainstorm different family members and friends they want to make videos for. Prioritize the different people so you’re sure to get videos made for the most important people first. 2) Choose 1-3 prompts for them to use for each person. Keep videos 1-2 minutes. 3) Consider different locations to film the videos if possible.…
Read MoreRevolutionary Buoy App Aims to Boost Morale and Job Satisfaction Among Educators in the Face of Mounting Challenges
Winston-Salem, NC, May 3, 2023 – Amid growing concerns about the state of the U.S. education system, a retired school counselor, Scott Ertl, has developed the Buoy App, a free app designed to help educators store and retrieve positive messages and memories for when they need an emotional lift. Recent studies have highlighted several alarming…
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